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The Sierra Leone Central Union annual VIP Dinner & Awards Ceremony event will be held on the 9th of December 2023 in the city of Dordrecht.

SLCU Holland VIP Dinner & Awards Ceremony 2023

The Union

Sierra Leone Central Union Netherlands with acronym SLCU Holland is an umbrella organization of 14 registered Sierra Leonean organizations in the Netherlands. We support the integration of Sierra Leoneans in the Netherlands within the framework of the Dutch government policy and stimulate their active participation towards the development of Sierra Leone.

The VIP Dinner & Awards

The Sierra Leone Central Union annual VIP Dinner & Awards Ceremony is held at the end of every year to appreciate, Honor, recognized and award Sierra Leoneans and Friends of Sierra Leone for their achievements and positive contribution towards the Sierra Leonean community Awards Categories & Voting.

The VIP Dinner & Awards

Awards Categories & Voting

There will be honorary awards and as while as voting Award Categories. The honorary category will draw its recipients from distinguished personalities in the community for their exemplary services. The other recipients will have the honor to be voted for by the public.


Special Message from President Mohamed Ali Bah
Subject: Invitation to More for the Sierra Leone Central Union - The Netherlands
(SLCU Holland) Annual WP Dinner and Awards Night

Dear Esteemed Members of the Sierra Leonean Community in The Netherlands,
I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with great pleasure
and anticipation that I, Mohamed Ah Bah, President of the Sierra Leone Central Union -
The Netherlands, extend a warm welcome to you all on the opening of
voting for our Unions Annual VIP Dinner and Awards Night 2023.


This event stands as a testament to the strength and unity of our community, as we come together to celebrate the accomplishments and dedication of outstanding individuals and organizations among us. The Sierra Leone Central Union – The Netherlands takes immense pride in recognizing and awarding those who have tirelessly contributed to the betterment of our community. The Annual VIP Dinner and Awards Night serves as a platform to honor and showcase their exceptional efforts.

The importance of these awards cannot be overstated. They not only acknowledge the hard work and commitment of individuals and organizations but also serve as a source of inspiration for others within our community. By shining a spotlight on those who have excelled, we aim to encourage a culture of excellence and inspire others to contribute positively to our collective well-being.

As we open the voting process, I call upon each and every member of our community to actively participate in this democratic exercise. Your vote is crucial in determining the deserving recipients in each of the twelve award categories. It is a chance for your voice to be heard, and your choice will play a significant role in shaping the outcome of this prestigious event.

I urge all members to respect the single vote rule to ensure fairness and integrity in the selection process. Let us come together, as one strong and united community, to make this year’s Annual VIP Dinner and Awards Night a resounding success.

Thank you for your active participation, and I look forward to celebrating the achievements of our community with you at the upcoming event scheduled for 9th December. 2023 in Dordrecht City.

Warm regards,

– President Mohamed Ali Bah

Meet some of our award winners

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